Application Incident Management Sap Solution Manager
This document tries to be a fast read to see which are the changes in this scenario in SAP Solution Manager 7.1.
It is valid for the configuration of the following Incident Management scenarios:
- Default or Standard scenario: You use the normal Incident Management ->aiuser 2 columns
- Service Provider: You run an incident management for several customers -> aisuser 3 columns, BAdI implementation AI_SDK_SP_RFC_RP is active
- Software Partner: You develop additional SAP software and get your messages from SAP->aisuser has ISV entry
- New user interface
- New transaction types
- Use of Assignment blocks in the new transaction types
- How to work and search Incident Management documents
- Support of SLFN transaction types in Solman 7.1, transition from SLFN to SMIN
- Importance of creating your own transaction type
- Service Providers: parameters ONE_CCC_USER_FOR_ALL_CUST and ONE_RFC_TO_SAP_FOR_ALL_CUST
Section 1: General information
1.1. New user interface
This new user interface is based on CRM Web Client UI framework.
As of SAP Solution Manager 7.1, completely new transaction types are available for Incident Management, these new transaction types can be created and edited using the WebClient UI interface.
Documents will be opened in a url with this format:
As you can see from the url above the SAP CRM Web UI, crm_ui, is based on BSP-Applications.
The new user interface does not support the existing "old" transaction types like SLFN, SIVA and SISV, so you cannot open an old transaction type document in this interface, only in SAP GUI or via the workcenter webdynpro url.
The old CRM functionality for CRM 5.0 is based on SAP GUI but the new CRM 7.0 based on HTML-browser pages, the look and feel between these two versions of CRM are completely different.
If you go to the transaction type and you click in Channel of a transaction type you will see that for the new transaction types the channel is "GUI CRM WebClient UI", for the old transaction types the channel was empty, see for example the new SMIN with the old SLFN:
The WebClient UI interface replaces the SAPGUI transactions crmd_order and crm_dno_monitor. The Incident Management Work Center is still available in Solman 7.1.
The former SLFN based documents cannot be displayed or processed in the SAP WebClient but it can be displayed and processed in the Incident Management Work Center.
Note: From SP5 onwards old transaction types documents can be displayed in sm_crm, please maintain the 'document type' under spro point "Assign Implementation to Change Transaction Types" for these old transaction types with the same value that you can see for the equivalent new transaction type.
The old transaction type document will open in the Incident Management Work Center.
Check in "Define URLs and Parameter" spro activity for SM-IM-KU-WORKCENTER that the HTTPS flag is set according to your needs and that "Determine Host/Port" is flagged.
1. 2. New transaction types
As of SAP Solution Manager 7.1, completely new transaction types are available for Incident Management.
This means that the customizing of the old transaction types will not be modified when the Solution Manager 7.0 is upgraded to Solution Manager 7.1.
All new functionalities and features are only available for new transaction types.
These are the new transaction types supplied by SAP:
– SMIN Incident Incident (IT Service Management)
– SMIS Incident ISV Incident ISV (IT Service Management)
– SMIT Incident Template Incident Template (IT Service Mgmt.)
Templates that can be created for reoccurring incidents.
– SMIV Incident (VAR) Incident VAR (IT Service Management)
– SMPR Problem
Usually, a problem is used to investigate the underlying cause of an incident.
– SMPT Problem Template
– SMRQ Service Request
– KNAR Knowledge Articles
A knowledge article is a new CRM 7.0 object which enables you to create, represent and distribute knowledge within your organization. Knowledge articles can be used in the SAP WebClient and ensure a faster access to specific information via categorization and full text search.
For more information on knowledge articles:
– SMRQ Service Request
– SMRT Service Req Template
1.3. Use of Assignment blocks in the new t ransaction types
When you open a new incident document the first thing that you see is that the tabs under Transactional Data, Partners, Actions, Status, etc. are being replaced by different Assignment blocks AB.
Depending on the transaction type there are some AB available, like for SMIN that you can always select or not to display, see below:
Initially the feeling is strange but after playing a little with the documents types you will see that all information is there, only in a different way.
For SMIN I have to remark these AB:
– Details:
– Text:
– SAP Collaboration:
– Processing Log (Actions in old SLFN):
– Scheduled actions:
– Service Level Agreement:
– Status:
– Change History:
– Time Recording:
– Business Partner:
1.4. How to work and search Incident Management documents
For the new CRM_UI transaction types, the general recommended strategy is as follows:
– "Professional" message processors and administrators can work full-time in the CRM UI, they can use the IT Service Management, ITSM, for editing and for searching the created documents.
You can get this ITSM by calling /ncrm_ui from a solman 7.1 system, this will open a url like:
– "End users" (also known as "Key Users") can work full-time in the work center, where they are restricted to see only their own customer data, reported by is directly filled with the BP of the user creating the incident and the shown ibase component are limited to the ones indicated in the BP of the user. CRM UI is not designed for being used by key users.
Note: In Solman 7.1 SP05 SAP is delivering a business role SOLMANREQU for key users works in CRM UI via tcode sm_crm with a particular interface to allow key user to create incidents and service request.
For the old transaction types, existing SLFN messages, you can work and search them in the Incident Management work center. Work center will show you the old and also the new transaction types documents.
Note: From SP5 onwards old transaction types can be displayed in sm_crm too, please maintain the 'document type' under spro point "Assign Implementation to Change Transaction Types" for these old transaction types with the same value that you can see for the equivalent new transaction type.
You can call the workcenter via:
-/nsolman_workcenter: this will open the WC embedded in a sapgui screen
-/nsm_workcenter: this will open the WC in a Internet browser
If you choose an old document the URL opened will be a webdynpro url: http://xxx:yyy/sap/bc/webdynpro/sap/ags_workcenter…
For the new document crm_ui bsp will be open: http://xxx:yyy/sap/bc/bsp/sap/crm_ui_start/
From the Incident Management work center you can start the WebClient UI directly, call "IT Service Management"
1. 5. Support of SLFN transaction types in Solman 7.1, transition from SLFN to SMIN
There is no migration from former SLFN documents to SMIN documents, as the new SAP ITSM functions are only available in the SAP WebClient with new business object types.
The former Incident Management scenario, SLFN documents, can still be used after an upgrade to the next SAP Solution Manager release. SAP recommends a transition phase.
Existing support messages (SLFN) should be processed in the Work Center or SAP GUI, until they are completed.
See note 1613908 Old Transaction Types in SAP Solution Manager 7.1
1.6 Adding new 7.1 custom transaction types to the CRM_UI
Since SP03 in solman_setup there is step copying transaction types to customer namespace, the report AI_CRM_CPY_PROCTYPE will perform everything for you, and all newly created transactions will be available in crm_ui!
See note 1493264: FAQ note for copying ChaRM transaction types (Web UI)
Section 2. Configuration
Please get the guide "Application Incident Management – Configuration and Upgrade Guide" Mai 2011 from ->SAP Components ->SAP Solution Manager-> Release 7.1 -> 6. Additional Guides
Just like a summary, when you finish your upgrade to solman 7.1 or the new installation you need to perform these steps:
– Run solman_setup and run System Preparation, Basis Configuration and Managed System Configuration steps
Note: In SP03, in the Basis Configuration step 5 you activate the PIECE LISTS that contains the standard customizing for the new transaction types like Incident SMIN.
"Piece list AI_CUSTOMIZING imported"
This piece list contains the default configuration, for example Maintenance Optimizer, Service Desk or Change Request. The SAP default customizing will be copied from client 000 to your logon client and overwrite only SAP customizing. This activity has no effect on customer configuration and has to be run after each Support Patch import.
Because of this it is very VERY IMPORTANT that you copy all transaction types into your own namespace or <Z>, <Y> namespace before starting to use Incident Management, copy transaction types, copy status profiles, action profiles, etc… if not your modifications to the standard will be overwritten after the next support package import. So, when using standard customizing, you should copy all standard entries into your own namespace or <Z>, <Y> namespace. This is really important in Solman 7.1!!!
After each Support Patch application you have the option to use report AI_CRM_CPY_PROCTYPE "Update option" t o update already copied transaction types with new shipped SAP standard configuration.
You cannot perform this activity in a production client, so you can change your client settings in scc4 temporarily or do this activation in solman development system and imported it in the next systems.
The following standard transaction types are delivered by SAP for Change Request Management:
- SMCR Request for Change
- SMHF Urgent Change
- SMMJ Normal Change
- SMTM Defect Correction
- SMCG General Change
- SMAD Admin Change
- SMCT Change Request Template
SAP strongly recommends to copy the default transaction types into the customer namespace before you start to use them productively.
As of release 7.1 you do not need to activate BC-sets for any functionality as they are replaced by the customizing piece list, for the new transaction types.
– Now run solman_setup and run IT Service Management for Incident & Problem Management
The following screenshots were taken from a Solution Manager 7.1 SP03 system.
- Check Prerrequisite: you check that the Piece List activation was executed correctly
- Copy Transaction Type: you can trigger from here the creation of ZMIN transaction type as a copy of the SMIN transaction type. You can also copy Business Role
It is time to check guide Business & Authorization Roles
__ 3. Automatic Configuration
BCOS_CUST entry is created
4. Manual Configuration
For this point I want to remark these configuration points:
4.2. Classify Transaction Type(s)
Choose the transaction type from the value help (transaction types in PROCESS_TYPE and PROCESS_TYPE_ADD maintained in DNO_CUST04).
Choose the type of each transaction type:
- Default scenario: You use the normal Incident Management.
- Service Provider: You run an incident management for several customers.
- Software Partner: You develop additional SAP software and get your messages from SAP.
- Business ByDesign: Your run an incident management for customers with the product SAP Busines ByDesig
4.3. Maintain SAP Customer number
Before running this point let me introduce two parameters in dno_cust04 that I think are really important for Service Provider scenario configuration:
If your SAP customer numbers is registered as a Customer Competence Center (CCC) at SAP them you should have a CCC S-user. I this is the case you can set X for this parameter in dno_cust04, but you need to ensure that you see this for the S-user SAP SMP authorizations:
If you have a S-user of CCC type them you only need to maintain in aisuser one entry with:
– CCC customer number and this CCC S-user.
See note 1443531 Working with users that have CCC authorization
"You only need to define ones-user with CCC authorization for the CCC number. If a customer-specific user is not found in AISUSER for a customer number, the system determines the lead CCC customer from V_AISAPCUSTNOS and uses the s-user entry that is assigned to this customer number in AISUSER for communication with the SAP back end. If an entry is not found in AISUSER for the CCC customer number, the user from the destination is used, as is currently the case."
If your customer number is registered as a value-added reseller (VAR) at SAP, you can select X for this parameter in dno_cust04, it means that you are activating the One rfc destination scenario, so you don´t need to create one RFC connection per customer number and you don´t need to get the password of the S-users provided per your managed customers. But still you need to get a good S-user.
Let me show you an example as most of the issue in Service Provider configuration are coming here.
You are Service Provider Cust. No. 1111
You are providing support to several installation numbers:
Cust. No. 1111: Support provider of:
- Inst. No. 2220 of customer number 2222
- Inst. No. 2221 of customer number 2222
- Inst. No. 3330 of customer number 3333
- Inst. No. 5551 of customer number 5555
At SAP contract level you are the support provider of several installation numbers, each of them under one customer number.
So, if customer number 1111 is not having a CCC contract them you need to get the following Susers:
- S-user for Inst. No. 2220 and 2221 of customer number 2222
- S-user for Inst. No. 3330 of customer number 3333
- S-user for Inst. No. 5551 of customer number 5555
You need that the Suser has the following authorization in SAP SMP:
- Create Customer Messages
- Send Customer Messages to SAP
- Confirm Messages
- Open Service Connections
- Maintain System Data
Under each of these activities you can see one line called DEBITOR and the customer number.
If you see only line DEBITOR means that this Suser has authorization for all the installation numbers under this customer number.
If you see line DEBITOR but also you see a line called INSTALL and an installation number this means that this S-user has only authorization for the indicated installation numbers not for all of the installation numbers under this customer number:
Please try to get Suser with authorizations for all the installation numbers under a customer number for which you provide support services.
So, if you use the one rfc destination scenario you need to maintain in aisuser one entry per:
– solman su01user – customer number- Suser of this customer number
For the user running the step of the job REFRESH_ADMIN_DATA_FROM_SUPPORT you need to enter one entry per customer number with the corresponding S-user, following with our example:
solman_admin 2222 S-user
solman_admin 3333 S-user
solman_admin 5555 S-user
You have to assign an SAP Support Portal contact person to all Solution Manager users who communicate with the SAP Support Portal.
See note 1301032 Destination for multi-customer handling
Related tables are: V_AISAPCUSTNOS, V_AIINSNRS
See the indicated guide point "2.3 Master Data" and the documentation of this solman_setup points
Note: In solman 7.1 we need that the BP have role Contact Person too
Use report AI_SDK_USER_BP_GEN for creating the end users in the solman system, this report will create the SU01 user in solman and the corresponding BP number.
For more information, see SAP Note 1280638
5. Additional Configuration
Now please go to SPRO and review all the points under SAP Solution Manager->Capabilities (Optional) -> Application Incident Management (Service Desk) to finish the configuration:
Related Content
Related Documentation
Please get the guide "Application Incident Management – Configuration and Upgrade Guide" Mai 2011 from ->SAP Components ->SAP Solution Manager-> Release 7.1 -> 6. Additional Guides
Related Notes
Please always check note:
1567003 FAQ: ST710 Incident Management Frequently Asked
Application Incident Management Sap Solution Manager